Seasick Cameraman Medevaced from Fishing Vessel

BOSTON, MA – A documentary film cameraman was medically evacuated by a Coast Guard helicopter last night after reportedly suffering from seasickness about 161 miles east of Nantucket, Mass.

The 36-year old cameraman’s condition became serious after two days of sickness aboard fishing vessel Direction of Westport, Mass.

Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England received a distress call over HF radio channel 2182 around 4 p.m. requesting medical evacuation for the ailing cameraman.

An HH-60 Jayhawk helicopter launched from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod and arrived on-scene around 7:45 p.m. Weather conditions at the time of the hoist were four to six-foot seas and winds from 15-20 knots.

The cameraman was hoisted from the 77-foot fishing vessel and is scheduled to be flown to Hyannis Barnstable Airport to be transferred to EMS.

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