‘Tis the season for giving at MSU Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH – Crewmembers from the Marine Safety Unit (MSU) in Pittsburgh took part in The Salvation Army’s Treasures for Children program over three days that began Monday, Dec. 8, 2008.

During the event 12 Coast Guard men and women were able to share their time and generosity by picking up toys and gifts at multiple locations throughout the Western Pennsylvania region, loading them onto trucks, and delivering them to drop-off points within the area.

Coast Guard volunteers collected over 15,000 toys from more than 120 businesses that participated in Treasures for Children, covering an 800 mile area of Western Pennsylvania. MSU Pittsburgh also donated gifts to needy families, hoping to help children and families by making their holiday a little brighter.

“MSU Pittsburgh was honored to take part in the program,” said Cmdr. Steve Wischmann, Commanding Officer of MSU Pittsburgh.

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