Coast Guard announces TWIC reader final rule

Coast Guard announces TWIC reader final rule
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Coast Guard announced Tuesday the publication of the final rule concerning Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) reader requirements. The rule requires owners and operators of certain vessels and facilities regulated by the Coast Guard to conduct electronic inspections of TWICs as an access control measure. The final rule also implements recordkeeping requirements...

Coast Guard to host public meetings on the TWIC Reader Requirements Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Coast Guard will host several public meetings concerning the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Reader Requirements Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. These meetings are to receive comments on the NPRM published in the Federal Register March 22, 2013, under the title “Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) – Reader Requirements.” The Coast...