Coast Guard closes Red River due to barge aground

Coast Guard closes Red River due to barge aground
NEW ORLEANS — The Coast Guard has closed the Red River from mile marker 40 to mile marker 42, Sunday. A barge reportedly ran aground and is protruding into the channel near mile marker 41. The river is closed to all vessels and any request to transit the river prior to re-opening should be directed to Coast Guard Sector Lower Mississippi River on VHF-FM Channel 16. The Red River Express is en route...

Coast Guard continues flood response operations in North Dakota

ST. LOUIS – The Coast Guard, along with other federal, state and local agencies, continues operations in flood-affected areas in North Dakota along the Red River and its tributaries.

Air station crews return home after Midwest flood assistance

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. – U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Traverse City search-and-rescue crews returned home this weekend from their mission of search-and-rescue and evacuation assistance in the flood-stricken regions of North Dakota and Minnesota’s Red River valley basin.

Coast Guard continues flood operations, shifts to Oslo

GRAND FORKS, N.D. – The Coast Guard along with Oslo, Minn., and Marshall County emergency responders are staging efforts to respond in Oslo, Friday, April 4, 2009, as part of the Red River flood response operation.

Station Sturgeon Bay crew returns home after Midwest flood assistance

STURGEON BAY, Wis. – The U.S. Coast Guard Station Sturgeon Bay search and rescue crew, that were deployed to North Dakota to assist with flooding operations, are scheduled to return home, Friday, at approximately 11:30 p.m.

Rescue crews trek north to assist Grand Forks residents

FARGO, N.D. – – Crews from the Coast Guard, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Customs and Border Protection are moving some rescue assets from Fargo to Grand Forks today, April 01, 2009, as part of the Red River flood response operation.

Engineering a flood response

FARGO, N.D. – As the workhorses of the Red River flood search and rescue operations, U.S. Coast Guard and the North Dakota Department of Fish and Wildlife airboats coast through the neighborhoods and business districts devastated by record flooding of the Red River. The rescue boat crews move swiftly from house to house responding to the cries of help from people stranded or in trouble throughout...

Coast Guard Continues Red River Flood Rescues, Urges Caution to Boaters

FARGO, N.D. — Coast Guard crews recorded their 95th rescue yesterday after 6 days of flood response operations along the Red River.

Coast Guard transports equipment to help ebb floods in North Dakota

ALAMEDA, Calif. – Coast Guard crews from Air Station Sacramento transported five dewatering pumps, pipes, and connectors from Casper, Wyo. to Fargo, N.D., March 27-29, 2009.