Coast Guard lifts Miami River restrictions after vessel fire

MIAMI – The Coast Guard Captain of the Port for the Port of Miami has lifted its restrictions for maritime traffic transiting the Miami River. The Miami River was closed between the 17th and 27th Avenue bridges Tuesday after the motor vessel Mystic had caught on fire. The Mystic, a 206-foot St. Vincent and the Grenadines flagged vessel was carrying general cargo. As a preventative measure, crews...

Coast Guard sets maritime traffic restrictions near vessel fire in Miami River

MIAMI — The Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Capt. James Fitton, has placed restrictions on vessel traffic due to a vessel fire on the Miami River Tuesday. The Miami River is closed to maritime traffic between the 17th Avenue Bridge and the 27th Avenue Bridge where the motor vessel Mystic is reportedly on fire. These restrictions will remain in place until further notice. Mystic, a 206-foot...

Coast Guard crew medevacs sick sailor

BOSTON- A Coast Guard boat crew helped a 50-year-old woman who fell ill aboard a 170-foot schooner today at 3:08 p.m., near Point Judith, R.I. Coast Guard Station Point Judith received a radio call from the sailing vessel Mystic, homeported in Mystic, Conn., reporting that one of the 15 crew aboard was sick and needed medical attention. The station launched a 47-foot rescue boat with two area paramedics...