Station Juneau and Juneau Flotilla members participate in “Kid Safe” Saturday

JUNEAU, Alaska – Coast Guardsmen and Coast Guard Auxiliary members participate in “Kid Safe” Saturday, which is a local community event sponsored by Bartlett Regional Hospital here. “Kid Safe” Saturday is an event where over 20 organizations such as the Juneau Police Department, Alaska State Troopers, Capital City Fire & Rescue, Airlift Northwest Air Ambulance as well as over 100 volunteers promote safety in all forms for children.

Petty Officer 1st Class Eric White, Petty Officer 2nd Class Chris Bybee, Petty Officer 3rd Class Amanda Church and Seaman Apprentice Sarah Perez, each from Coast Guard Station Juneau, were at the event to give tours to children varying in ages from one to 15-years old through the station’s 25-foot response boat small.

Local Coast Guard Auxiliary Juneau Flotilla members handed out boating safety booklets and held a raffle drawing giving away free personnel flotation devices. In addition to getting an up close look at a Coast Guard response boat, children were greeted by Coastie the Patrol Boat. Coastie is a robotic boat used by the Coast Guard Auxiliary to teach children about boating safety.

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