Owner claims unmanned kayak near Olowalu, Maui

45 Foot Response BoatHONOLULU — The Coast Guard has suspended the search for the owner of an unmanned yellow kayak found offshore of Olowalu, Maui, after the owner contacted the Coast Guard Sector Honolulu Command Center to claim it, Sunday.

Watchstanders at the Sector Honolulu Command Center received a report at 1:30 a.m., today from the owner of the kayak stating he saw the story about the craft’s discovery online.

The man was able to give a detailed account and made arrangements to pick it up at Coast Guard Station Maui.

The Coast Guard also offers free “If Found” decal to be placed in a visible location on small, human-powered watercraft through the Operation Paddle Smart program.  The information on the sticker can allow response entities to quickly identify the vessel’s owner and aid search and rescue planners in determining the best course of action.

The stickers can be obtained for free at local harbormasters, through the Coast Guard Auxiliary, from Honolulu Sail and Power Squadron offices and at select marine retail and supply stores.

To see the original story click here.

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