SEATTLE – The Coast Guard will conduct a one-day course that will be held on January 31, 2008 at the City of Port Angeles City Council Chambers in Port Angeles, Wash. The course is designed as part of an outreach effort to provide key leaders, to include journalists, with an advanced understanding of oil spill response.
Class will commence 8 a.m. A course attendance certificate will be awarded at the completion of the course.
The Northwest Oil Spill Awareness Course is a condensed version of the five-day oil spill response training class, which has been offered for many years to Coast Guard responders. The one-day course will include information presented by marine oil spill response personnel including perspectives from both the public and private sectors of the response community.
This course will introduce participants to regional spill response equipment and personnel, as well as providing insight into key response principles. Special emphasis will be placed on such topics as; oil chemistry and fate, assessment, Northwest Area Plan, Incident Command System, safety, control and containment, protection of sensitive areas, environmental benefit, recovery, financial impacts and volunteer and stakeholder information.
The instructor cadre will represent a cross-section of the response community including personnel from; U. S. Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Washington State Department of Ecology, Global Diving and Salvage, Marine Spill Response Corporation, Washington State Maritime Cooperative, Spiltec, ECM Maritime Services, Nexus Northwest, the Law Office of Kevin Beauchamp Smith and Islands’ Oil Spill Association.
People and media interested in attending can RSVP via phone or e-mail directly to Mr. Scott Knutson, no later than January 21, 2008, in order to confirm attendance. Mr. Knutson can be reached at (206) 220-7219 or at: