Coast Guard units assist 10 in Corpus Christi area

America's Heartland Coast Guard NewsCORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi coordinated assistance for two disabled boats Sunday.

Coast Guard Station Port O’Connor Crews towed a boat with seven people aboard due to it becoming disabled approximately 40 miles offshore of Matagorda Bay.

A person aboard the 47-foot boat contacted Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi watchstanders at approximately 6 a.m. The person stated the boat became disabled after its mooring lines became entangled around the vessel’s shaft and propeller.

The watchstanders launched an HU-25 Falcon jet and crew in order to establish and maintain communications with the disabled boat and the response boat. They also contacted Tow Boat US and formulated a plan for Tow Boat US to relieve the response boat crew once the boat was within 25 miles of shore.

“Although there are several towing companies in the South Texas area that conduct salvage and provide towing services to disabled vessels, our crews are trained and prepared to respond in situations such as these,” said Lt. j.g. Terri Parris, public affairs officer for Sector Corpus Christi.

The disabled vessel towed by Tow Boat US.

The Sector Corpus Christi watchstanders also coordinated a response with the Port Isabel Police Department to assist three individuals after their 13-foot boat became disabled off Holly Beach on South Padre Island.

One of the people called Sector Corpus Christi 3:24 p.m. Sunday requesting assistance.

They had been underway since Friday evening and were able to anchor the boat in shallow water when it became disabled Saturday morning.

A shallow-water response vessel from the Port Isabel Police Department was dispatched the disabled boat was taken to the Port Isabel public boat ramp.

Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi continues to work closely with the Port Isabel Police Department and other local, state, and federal agencies to conduct search and rescue operations throughout South Texas.

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