SEATTLE – The Coast Guard will conduct a Change of Watch ceremony for the Coast Guard Ancient Albatross on Thursday, July 14, 2011, at 11 a.m., at U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River, located in Warrenton, Ore.
During the ceremony, Vice Adm. John P. Currier, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, will relieve Rear Adm. Gary T. Blore as the Ancient Albatross. Rear Adm. Blore was relieved as the 13th District Commander on July 12, 2011, by Rear Adm. Keith A. Taylor, and will retire at the conclusion of the Ancient Albatross ceremony.
Adm. Robert J. Papp, Jr., Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, will oversee the ceremony.
The Coast Guard Ancient Albatross Award was instituted in 1966 to honor the Coast Guard aviator on active duty who has held that designation for the longest period. In 1988, the Enlisted Ancient Albatross Award was established for the enlisted member on active duty with the earliest graduation date from class “A” school in a Coast Guard aviation rating.
The Coast Guard operates more 200 aircraft from 25 air stations. Modern helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft provide state-of-the-art support for the entire range of the service’s missions including search-and-rescue, homeland security, law enforcement, and marine environmental protection. More than 3,000 pilots, mechanics and technicians keep the fleet of aircraft flying safely.
Rear Adm. Blore is retiring after serving the American public for more than 36 years.
Rear Adm. Blore assumed command of the Thirteenth Coast Guard District in July 2009. As District Commander, he was responsible for U.S. Coast Guard operations covering four states (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana), more than 4,400 miles of coastline, 600 miles of inland waterways, and 125 miles of international border with Canada. He was in charge of more than 5,770 active duty, reserve duty, civilian and Auxiliary men and women; whom annual conducted more than 3,000 search-and-rescue missions, executed more than 3,200 law enforcement boardings, and inspected more than 5,700 vessels.
Rear Adm. Blore graduated, with honors, from the Coast Guard Academy in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science in economics and holds an MPA Degree from Columbia University. His personal decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, five awards of the Legion of Merit, two Meritorious Service Medals, two Coast Guard Commendation Medals and the Transportation 9-11 Medal, as well as other service and campaign awards.