Coast Guard Station New Orleans to hold open house during National Safe Boating Week

New Orleans – The Coast Guard kicks off National Safe Boating Week Saturday with a free open house for the public at Coast Guard Station New Orleans near Bucktown Harbor from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Demonstrations will take place throughout the day to include a MH-65 Dolphin helicopter rescue demonstration, firefighting demonstrations, BUI demonstrations using impairment goggles, inflatable life jacket demonstrations and much more.

Boat owners can bring their boats to have a free courtesy vessel safety check by the Coast Guard Auxiliary or the New Orleans Power Squadron.

Paddlers can bring in their paddle craft and participate in capsize and reentry exercises.

The public can also bring their expired flares to set them off in a safe, controlled and supervised environment.

Boating safety professionals from many organizations will be on scene for one-on-one interaction with the boating public as well as to provide short safety seminars throughout the event.

There will be free drinks, burgers and crawfish as well as plenty of great door prizes and a rescue toss contest for the kids!

Additionally, a Coast Guard recruiter will be present to answer questions anyone may have about how to join the Coast Guard family.

“Our goal for this open house is to give attendees all the information they need to enjoy a safe, fun and ticket free boating season,” said Paul Barnard, the recreational boating safety program manager at the Eighth Coast Guard District.

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