Coast Guard Station Curtis Bay assists unconscious boater off Fort Smallwood Park

5th Coast Guard District News
BALTIMORE — The Coast Guard and Maryland Natural Resource Police assisted two boaters Tuesday after one of the boaters lost consciousness near Fort Smallwood Park.

Watchstanders at Coast Guard Station Curtis Bay received a call from a good Samaritan aboard the recreational boat Brilliance at approximately 5:45 p.m., relaying a message from a boater that the operator was unconscious aboard a 25-foot boat.

The watchstanders diverted a crew aboard a 45-foot Response Boat – Medium who were participating in helicopter operations training. The crew arrived on scene at approximately 6 p.m., placed the boat in side-tow and brought the unconscious man aboard.

“It was a good thing our crew was already training in the area,” said Petty Officer 2nd Class Stuart Hunnicutt, the officer of the day at Station Curtis Bay. “By bringing him aboard on the stokes litter, we were able to monitor his vitals and keep him stable, all while transiting quickly.”

At approximately 6:20 p.m., the RB-S crew transferred the boater to an MNRP crew, who are able to transit in shallower water and complete the voyage to Fort Smallwood Park.

The MNRP crew transferred the unconscious boater to awaiting emergency medical services personnel.

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