Coast Guard Spots Blue Whale Near Entrance to Port of Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES – At about noon today, a Coast Guard Helicopter reported sighting a Blue Whale approximately 4 miles Southwest of the entrance to the Port of Los Angeles.

The helicopter air crew observed the whale swim underneath a tug and barge operating in the area. The crew then confirmed with the vessel that it had not made any contact with the whale. The vessel spotted a blue whale a few minutes later about one quarter of a mile away.

Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service and the Marine Exchange of Southern California are broadcasting a marine information broadcast to alert vessel traffic in the area as a precaution to protect both shipping and the whale.

Collisions with whales or sightings of injured whales should be reported to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at (562) 980-4017. Boaters can contact the U.S. Coast Guard on Channel 16.

For more information on U.S. Coast Guard living marine resource protection please visit

For more information on Blue Whales from NOAA, please visit

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