Coast Guard sets Port Condition Whiskey in Port of Virginia

300 HerminePORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Captain of the Port (COTP) Hampton Roads set Port Condition Whiskey Thursday for the Port of Virginia in preparation for the anticipated weather impact of Hurricane Hermine.

Port Condition Whiskey was set at about 2 p.m. This condition means that gale force winds are expected to reach the Virginia Capes within 72 hrs.

The Port of Virginia remains open to all vessel traffic and commercial activities, however all mariners are advised to take prudent actions in preparation of the approaching storm. Facility operators should begin making preparations to ensure all loose cargo, cargo equipment, and debris is secured. All vessel moorings should be reinforced.

Vessels anchored should begin making preparations to maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 16. Vessels at facilities shall stow all unnecessary gear, ensure proper moorings, and carefully monitor cargo operations.

For a complete listing of all recommended storm preparations, facilities and vessel operators are strongly encouraged to review the Port of Hampton Roads Maritime Hurricane Contingency Plan, Annex A, Tab C. This plan may be found on line under “Local Contingency Plans” at:

The Coast Guard requests that the public listen to weather information available from other sources and not call the Coast Guard for weather information.

For information on how to prepare your boat or trailer for a storm, please visit

For information on the storm’s progress and storm preparedness, please visit the National Hurricane Center’s Web page at

Visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s site to stay informed and for tips to prepare and plan for the storm at

For additional information on the storm, visit the National Hurricane Center website


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