HONOLULU — The Coast Guard is seeking the public’s help in identifying the owner of a surfboard found near the entrance to Honolulu Harbor, off Oahu, Sunday.
The surfboard is 9-feet long and is white with a gray stripe and a tiki logo.
Anyone with information that may help identify the owner of the surfboard is asked to contact the Coast Guard Sector Honolulu Command Center at 808-842-2600.
Watchstanders at the Coast Guard Sector Honolulu Command Center received a report at 5:20 p.m., from a Coast Guard Station Honolulu 45-foot Response Boat-Medium crew underway in the area.
“The Coast Guard encourages owners who lose their watercraft to report it to the Coast Guard with a good description so that we can eliminate any unnecessary searches,” said Chief Petty Officer Jerrod Sneller, a command duty officer at the Coast Guard Sector Honolulu Command Center.
Sector Honolulu has issued an urgent marine information broadcast notice to mariners. There are currently no reported signs of distress or missing persons in the area.
The Coast Guard offers free “If Found” decals to be placed in a visible location on small, human-powered watercraft through the Operation Paddle Smart program. The information on the sticker can allow response entities to quickly identify the vessel’s owner and aid search and rescue planners in determining the best course of action. Positive identification may also allow the item to be returned to the owner.
The stickers can be obtained for free at local harbormasters, through the Coast Guard Auxiliary, from Honolulu Sail and Power Squadron offices and at select marine retail and supply stores.