Coast Guard searches for 3 missing people near Rio Vista

65 San FranciscoSAN FRANCISCO — The Coast Guard has been actively searching for three missing people near Brannan Island, Calif., since 9 p.m. Friday.

Watchstanders at the Coast Guard Sector San Francisco command center received a call Friday night at 9 p.m., from Brannan Island State Park of an overdue Jet Ski with three people aboard.

The Jet Ski with one 36-year-old male, one 22-year-old female and a 10-year-old girl aboard, departed the park at approximately 8 p.m. All three persons were wearing life jackets and bathing suits.

The adults were wearing blue life jackets and the child was wearing a red life jacket. The Jet Ski is described as white with a teal colored seat.

A 29-foot Response Boat-Small II boatcrew from Coast Guard Station Rio Vista and a Coast Guard Air Station San Francisco MH-65C helicopter crew responded to the scene and have been actively searching. Sacramento County Sherriff’s Department also responded to assist with the ongoing search efforts.

The boating public is asked to keep a sharp lookout and report any sightings to the Coast Guard.

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