Coast Guard responding to oil discharge near Gramercy, Louisiana

National Response Center LogoNEW ORLEANS – The Coast Guard is responding to a fuel oil discharge on the Mississippi River near Gramercy, Louisiana.

Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Incident Management Division received a report at 8:24 a.m., Thursday from the National Response Center of a discharge originating from Petroleum Fuel and Terminal Mt. Airy during a transfer of oil from the facility to a barge at mile marker 144.6 on the Mississippi River. The estimated discharge amount is 2,500 gallons.

The Coast Guard conducted two overflights and deployed multiple teams to assess impacts.

The oil spill response organizations are OMI Environmental Solutions and Environmental Safety and Health. Eight boats with a combination of skimming packages, boom, and absorbents have been deployed. Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health LLC is conducting air monitoring.

The Coast Guard, Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Department of Environmental Quality are investigating the incident.

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