BOSTON — Rescue crews from Coast Guard Station Southwest Harbor medically evacuated a man near Duck Island, Maine, Friday.
Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Northern New England received notification at 11:03 a.m., from the 35-foot fishing vessel Ferne R., homeported in Southwest Harbor, that a crewmember was suffering from heart attack-like symptoms.
Coast Guard Station Southwest Harbor launched a 25-foot response boat small with an EMT on board and was on scene at 11:13 a.m. The man was transported back to awaiting EMS and further transported to Mount Desert Island Hospital in Maine.
“The station launched quickly and arrived on scene in a matter of minutes,” said Paul E. Painter, a search and rescue coordinator at Sector Northern New England. “Our crews were able to transport the man to get him to medical care as fast as possible.”
His condition is not known.