Coast Guard Repatriates 102 Cubans

MIAMI — Crews of the Coast Guard Cutter Farallon and Key Biscayne repatriated 102 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cubanas, Cuba, Friday who were interdicted during a three-day period during four separate cases.

A Customs and Border Protection aircraft located a go-fast vessel in the vicinity of Cal Sal Banks, Bahamas, Saturday and provided that information to the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard Cutter Chandeluer was able to interdict and stop the go-fast vessel 10 miles north of Dog Rocks, Bahamas. Thirty-five Cuban migrants and two suspected smugglers were transferred to the cutter. The two suspected smugglers and the vessel were later transferred to CBP in Islamorada, Fla.

The crew of a Coast Guard Falcon jet located a go-fast 25 miles south of Islamorada Feb. 8 and passed the information to the Coast Guard command center in Key West, Fla. The Chandeluer and a vessel from Coast Guard Station Islamorada responded and stopped the vessel. The Chandeluer crew transferred 27 Cuban migrants and two suspected smugglers to the cutter. The suspected smugglers were transferred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The crew of the motor vessel Jefferson identified a rustic vessel with 12 Cuban migrants 17 miles south of Bahia Honda, Fla., Feb. 7. Crewmembers from Station Marathon, Fla., responded and transferred the migrants to their vessel. The migrants were later transferred to a Coast Guard cutter.

Thirty Cuban migrants and one suspected smuggler on a go-fast vessel were interdicted by the Farallon crew 8 miles north of Dog Rocks, Feb. 6. The suspected smuggler was transferred to ICE officials in Key West. Two of the 30 migrants proved to have status in the U.S. and were transferred ashore to ICE officials in Key West.

The cutters Farallon and Chandeluer are 110-foot patrol boats homeported in Miami.
The cutter Key Biscayne is a 110-foot patrol boat homeported in St. Petersburg, Fla.

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