ST. LOUIS (D8 Public Affairs) – The Coast Guard has opened St. Louis Harbor to commercial vessel traffic today. A safety zone remains in effect from mile markers 179 to 184 on the Upper Mississippi River, southbound tows greater than 600 feet in length are limited to daylight hours only.
Due to high water, the Upper Mississippi River remains closed to recreational vessels between mile markers 168.7 (Jefferson Barracks Bridge) and 301.2 (Lock & Dam 22).
The Illinois River remains closed to recreational vessels from mile marker 0 to 24.
The Kaskaskia River remains closed to recreational vessels from mile marker 0 to 21.
A no wake zone has been established for all commercial vessel traffic operating in the three recreational vessel closure areas and a reduction in speed is required when transiting through mile markers 20 to 22 on the Illinois River.