Coast Guard Releases Sparrows Point LNG Waterway Suitability Report

BALTIMORE – U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Brian Kelley, Captain of the Port of Baltimore, announced today that the Coast Guard completed its assessment of the proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility at Sparrows Point, and submitted its Waterway Suitability Report (WSR) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The report is intended to assist FERC in making an informed decision as to whether the proposed facility is in the public interest.

The Coast Guard is neither an advocate for nor an opponent of the proposed LNG facility. The Coast Guard’s role is to provide an objective analysis to FERC of the associated maritime safety and security risks.

During its review of the waterway suitability assessment (WSA) submitted by AES Sparrows Point LNG, LLC, the Coast Guard consulted many port agencies and stakeholders and conducted its own independent and complementary risk assessment. Based upon its review of the WSA and its own risk assessment, the Coast Guard determined that the Chesapeake Bay is not currently suitable, but can be made suitable for the type and frequency of LNG marine traffic associated with the proposed LNG facility, provided additional measures necessary to responsibly manage the maritime safety and security risks are in place.

FERC is the lead federal agency responsible for approving the siting, design, and operation of LNG facilities located on shore and within state waters. For further information on the permitting process for LNG facilities, please contact FERC’s public information office at (202) 502-6088.

Editor’s Note: Media interested in obtaining a copy of the WSR, or for more information on LNG, are requested to go to .

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