CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Captain of the Port (COTP) Charleston and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) modified the Waccamaw River and Great Pee Dee River safety zone Saturday.
The safety zone includes all waters of the Waccamaw River along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICW) from U.S. Highway 17 to the Socastee Swing Bridge (AICW statute mile marker 400 to 370), all waters of the Great Pee Dee River from U.S. Highway 17 northward to Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge, and all waters of the Black River from its junction with the Great Pee Dee River northward to U.S. Highway 701. State and Federal authorities have determined that potential hazards associated with and resulting from high waters of the Waccamaw River and Great Pee Dee River are present.
The following waterways have been removed from the safety zone: Winyah Bay, Sampit River, AICW south of U.S. Highway 17, and AICW north of Socastee Swing Bridge.
This rule is effective from September 29, 2018, through October 19, 2018, or until waters recede and conditions allow for safe navigation.
Mariners wishing to travel through the safety zone may receive permission via designated on-scene representatives or by contacting authorities as follows: recreational vessels may contact SCDNR at 843-915-5990; commercial vessels may contact the Coast Guard at 843-323-7761.
A designated representative means federal, state, or a local law enforcement officer assisting the Coast Guard or SCDNR in the enforcement of the safety zones. Those in the safety zone must comply with all lawful orders or directions given to them by the Coast Guard or SCDNR designated representatives. Mariners are reminded to travel at no wake speed in areas inundated with high water so as to limit damage to property and infrastructure.