PORT O’CONNOR, Texas – A Coast Guard small boat crew medevaced a 23 year old man suffering from blurred vision and other symptoms from a rig approximately 3 miles east of the Port O’Connor jetties this afternoon.
At 1 p.m., a watchstander at Coast Guard Station Port O’Connor received a radio call from the crew of the jack-up rig Blue Runner. The crew requested medical help for a 23 year old crewman suffering from a variety of medical symptoms that indicated his life may be in danger.
Station Port O’Connor launched a 47-foot Motor Life Boat crew to assist. The rescue boat crew arrived at the rig at 2 p.m. and proceeded to stabilize the crewman and transfer him to the rescue boat. The rescue boat crew then transported him to Station Port O’Connor where an ambulance crew was waiting.
The crewman was transported to Memorial Medical Center in Port Lavaca, Texas for treatment. He was reported to be in stable condition.
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