Coast Guard medevacs man from cruise ship Carnival Elation in Gulf of Mexico

America's Heartland Coast Guard NewsNEW ORLEANS — The Coast Guard medevaced a 50-year-old man from cruise ship Carnival Elation at the Southwest Pass Pilot Station , Sunday, in the Gulf of Mexico.

Watchstanders at the 8th Coast Guard District command center received a call from the captain of the Carnival Elation at approximately 9 p.m. notifying them that a passenger was reportedly suffering from chest pains.

Coast Guard Station Venice launched a 41-foot Utility Boat and crew to the Southwest Pass Pilot Station to meet the Carnival Elation. Crewmembers transferred the man and a nurse from the cruise ship aboard the UTB. The UTB crew transferred the man to awaiting EMS personnel at Station Venice. He was taken to West Jefferson Medical Center, in Marrero.

“We train for these kinds of situations every day,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert James. “It doesn’t matter what time it is, day or night, when we get emergency calls, we are ready.”

The condition of the man is unknown.

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