Coast Guard medevacs 78-year-old woman off cruise ship Statendam

JUNEAU, Alaska – A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk rescue helicopter aircrew forward-deployed in Cordova safely medevaced a 78-year old woman reportedly suffering from symptoms of a stroke off the cruise ship Statendam in the vicinity of Cape Hichinbrook near the entrance of Prince William Sound Monday.

Dorris Irene Hailey, a U.S. citizen, was medevaced by the Coast Guard after the 17th Coast Guard District command center in Juneau received a call from the captain aboard the 624-foot Statendam via satellite phone at approximately 1:04 p.m. requesting a medevac.

After the Coast Guard duty flight surgeon recommended the woman be medevaced, the helicopter rescue crew was launched at 1:30 p.m. Once on scene, the Jayhawk crew safely hoisted the woman at 2:24 p.m. and transported her to Providence Valdez Medical Center at 3:25 p.m. where emergency medical personnel were waiting.

“The Statendam’s quick notification along with the rapid response was key in making this rescue possible and providing her the appropriate attention necessary in a remote area of Alaska,” said Master Chief Petty Officer Jeremiah Roberts, 17th District command duty officer. “The positive communication between the Jayhawk and Statendam crews ensured the safe hoist and transfer of the woman.”

The Statendam was in transit to Glacier Bay National Park.

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