Nick Jicha, a Kotzebue Fire Department volunteer firefighter, grins with icicles on his face and ice rescue gear, after performing a simulated ice rescue in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield.
JUNEAU, Alaska – Coast Guard members from the Ninth Coast Guard District trained Kotzebue Fire Department and Coast Guard Seventeenth District personnel on ice rescue techniques and best practices last week, in Kotzebue, Alaska. The Ninth Coast Guard District’s Ice Rescue Program oversees the National Ice Rescue School, which conducts training annually throughout the country.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Emily Berube, a boatswain’s mate and Coast Guard Station Charlevoix, Mich., member, simulates an ice rescue of Petty Officer 1st Class Nicole Rice as part of training held in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield.
Gregory Knight, a Kotzebue Fire Department volunteer firefighter receives a brief from Petty Officer 2nd Class Emily Berube, after completing a simulated ice rescue in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield.
Petty Officer 1st Class Nicole Rice, a boatswain’s mate and member of Coast Guard Sector Anchorage performs a simulated ice rescue of Petty Officer 2nd Class Emily Berube, while Petty Officer 1st Class Alexis Lopez, a member of the National Ice Rescue School coaches the training in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield
Coast Guard members from the Ninth Coast Guard District train Kotzebue Fire Department and Coast Guard Seventeenth District personnel on ice rescue techniques and best practices in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield.
Aleasha Atoruk, a Kotzebue Fire Department volunteer simulates the rescue of Petty Officer 1st Class Alexis Lopez, a member of the National Ice Rescue School, as part of their training in Kotzebue, Alaska, March 19, 2019. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Schofield.