Coast Guard issues public notice of temporary bridge over Umpqua River

ASTORIA, Ore. – The Commander, Thirteenth Coast Guard District, has received a bridge permit-amendment application from Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) requesting approval of the location and plans for a temporary work bridge to be constructed across the Umpqua River near Scottsburg, OR, at 43°39’14.8″N, 123°49’33.3″W.

The proposed amendment consists of constructing a temporary work bridge west of the new bridge, and after the existing bridge has been removed, the temporary bridge will be removed.

The complete public notice including a brief summary of project impacts, a map of the location, and plans for the proposed bridge can be viewed and printed from the following website

Parties wishing to make comments concerning the proposed project or to seek further information regarding the same should contact the Commander Thirteenth Coast Guard District, Attn: District Bridge Manager (dpw) via email, phone, or written correspondence. Such request should be sent to arrive on or before April 10, 2021.

The District Bridge Manager is Mr. Steven Fischer and may be contacted at (206) 220-7282, by email at, or by mail at 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3510, Seattle, WA. 98174-1067.

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