CLEVELAND – The U.S. Coast Guard will hold a public meeting to provide an update on the proposed Ambassador Bridge Enhancement Project ABEP on March 17, 2009, from 6-8 p.m., at the Earhart Middle School in Detroit.
The Earhart Middle School is located at 1000 Scotten Street in Detroit.
The Coast Guard published the ABEP draft Environmental Assessment for comment in May 2007. As a result of extensive coordination with various agencies, a Memorandum of Agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act has been executed and a Final Environmental Assessment EA/draft Finding Of No Significant Impact FONSI has been prepared.
The Final EA/Draft FONSI is available for review at two Detroit locations: the Detroit International Bridge Company, 2000 Howard Street; and the Bowen Library Hubbard-Richard Neighborhood, 3648 West Vernor Highway.
The Final EA/Draft FONSI is available online at and
For media inquiries or additional information, contact Mr. Scot Striffler, Ninth Coast Guard District’s Bridge Program Manager, at 216 902-6087.