ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Coast Guard inspectors conducted certificate of compliance examinations in Homer and Port Graham early this week on two mobile offshore drilling units that plan on conducting operations in Cook Inlet.
Inspectors from Coast Guard Sector Anchorage, Marine Safety Detachment Homer and Marine Safety Unit Texas City successfully examined the vessels to verify compliance with applicable international and Federal regulations.
The Endeavour – Spirit of Independence was satisfactorily examined in Homer over Saturday and Sunday at which time the vessel received a Coast Guard Certificate of Compliance.
The Spartan 151 was satisfactorily examined in Port Graham on Tuesday and was also issued a Coast Guard certificate of compliance.
“A certificate of compliance is issued for all mobile offshore drilling units operating offshore” said Jay Jerome, a Coast Guard Sector Anchorage marine inspector. “An inspection for compliance is a thorough review of the vessel and crew to ensure their safety while operating offshore.”
The examinations included verifications of the MODUs’ documentation, safety equipment and machinery installations and witnessing fire and abandon ship drills.
A Coast Guard Certificate of Compliance is issued for off shore operations and is good for two years. Alaska state regulations and requirements are enforced by the Alaska Department of Oil and Gas.