Coast Guard Cutter Shrike conducts 138 mile tow

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Shrike file photo by Chief Warrant Officer Allyson E.T. Conroy

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Shrike file photo by Chief Warrant Officer Allyson E.T. Conroy

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The Coast Guard Cutter Shrike crew towed a disabled 37-foot pleasure craft with three people aboard 138 miles southwest of Marco Island Thursday.

The cutter crew safely towed the pleasure craft to Man of War Harbor, Key West.

Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg watchstanders received a VHF-FM Channel 16 call Wednesday from the disabled sail vessel operator stating that they were experiencing problems with the vessel’s rudder and needed assistance.

Sector St. Petersburg watchstanders diverted the cutter Shrike crew to the vessel’s location to make an assessment of the situation to develop a plan with the vessel operator.

The Shrike is an 87-foot Coastal Patrol Boat with primary missions of search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, fisheries enforcement, marine environmental protection, defense readiness; and ports, waterways and coastal security.

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