Coast Guard crew medevacs 1 near Cape May, N.J.

CAPE MAY, N.J. – The Coast Guard medevaced a 29-year-old man from aboard a 107-foot boat 60 miles off the coast of Cape May Monday.

Medevaced isCAPE MAY, N.J. – The Coast Guard medevaced a 29-year-old man from aboard a 107-foot boat 60 miles off the coast of Cape May Monday.

Medevaced is Brian Amaral.

The Coast Guard received a call at 9:18 a.m. from a crewmember aboard the Endurance, homeported in New Bedford, Mass., reporting Amaral was experiencing internal bleeding from a peptic ulcer.

A rescue boat crew from Coast Guard Station Cape May arrived on scene and transferred Amaral aboard their boat.

The rescue boat crew transported Amaral to the station and transferred him to awaiting emergency medical personnel..

The Coast Guard received a call at 9:18 a.m. from a crewmember aboard the Endurance, homeported in New Bedford, Mass., reporting Amaral was experiencing internal bleeding from a peptic ulcer.

A rescue boat crew from Coast Guard Station Cape May arrived on scene and transferred Amaral aboard their boat.

The rescue boat crew transported Amaral to the station and transferred him to awaiting emergency medical personnel.

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