Coast Guard continues to respond to oily sheen near New Orleans

A Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrew from Air Station New Orleans observed an oily sheen on the Mississippi River between mile markers 95 and 96 near New Orleans, Sept. 11, 2019. The Coast Guard is working with an oil spill response organization to mitigate the impact of the discharge. (U.S Coast Guard courtesy asset)

A Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrew from Air Station New Orleans observed an oily sheen on the Mississippi River between mile markers 95 and 96 near New Orleans, Sept. 11, 2019. (U.S Coast Guard courtesy asset)

NEW ORLEANS – The Coast Guard is continuing to respond to an oily sheen on the Mississippi River between mile markers 95 and 96 in New Orleans, Thursday.

Fifteen hundred feet of boom has been deployed to contain the sheen.

Six oil spill response boats will be on scene along with Coast Guard shoreline assessment teams to assess and recover the product on the shoreline.

The Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office has joined the response effort.

The cause of this incident is under investigation.

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