Coast Guard Continues Search for Overdue Sailor

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — The U.S. Coast Guard continued the search for San Francisco resident Jim Gray and his vessel “Tenacious” today.

The search area was approximately 4000 square miles and extended out to 78 nautical miles west of the Farallon Islands. The Coast Guard used a C-130 fixed-wing aircraft, an HH-65 Dolphin helicopter, three 87-foot coastal patrol boats, a 47-foot motor life boat, a 41-foot utility boat, and was assisted by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office 85-foot patrol boat. No signs of Mr. Gray or the vessel were found.

A C-130 and an 87-foot patrol boat will continue to search through the night, with additional search units to be added tomorrow morning. Marine weather conditions have been favorable throughout the search and are expected to remain mild.

Source: USCG Sector San Francisco Public Affairs

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