Coast Guard charges members for alleged illicit drug activity in Kodiak

JUNEAU, Alaska – The Coast Guard has initiated criminal proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice against 12 members, most of whom are assigned to various Coast Guard units in Kodiak, Alaska, for allegedly using illegal drugs.

Six additional Coast Guard members were disciplined at non-judicial punishment proceedings and are being processed for separation from the Service. Additional members may be charged or considered for non-judicial punishment before the investigation concludes.

The charges stem from an ongoing investigation into drug activity on Kodiak Island. The Coast Guard learned of allegations of illicit drug activity involving Coast Guard members in the Fall of 2018 and referred the matter to the Coast Guard Investigative Service.

Proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice are criminal adjudications before a court martial and may result in a criminal conviction. Non-judicial punishment is disciplinary in nature and is not a criminal conviction. The results of non-judicial punishment can include loss of pay, reduction in paygrade, as well as restriction for a period of time to a specified location, such as a barracks or base. By policy, any Coast Guard member using illicit drugs will be administratively processed for separation from the service.

“The Coast Guard treats all allegations of illicit drug activity seriously,” said Capt. Melissa Rivera, chief of staff for the 17th Coast Guard District. “Drug use is prohibited, is a violation of both Coast Guard policy and federal law, and is in direct contradiction of our core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.”

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