ALAMEDA, Calif.— Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento personnel hosted a change-of-command ceremony Friday at Air Station Sacramento in McClellan Park.
Coast Guard Rear Adm. Brian K. Penoyer, the Eleventh Coast Guard District commander, presided over the ceremony, where Capt. Ian A. Bastek replaced Capt. John F. McCarthy as the Air Station Sacramento commanding officer.
Bastek recently completed an assignment as the senior Coast Guard and Joint Task Force East (JTF-E) advisor to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the U.S. Northern Command combatant commander.
“It has been my honor to serve with the women and men of Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento,” said McCarthy. “I’m extremely proud of the dedication and incredible achievements of the crew during a challenging two years – allowing us to best serve our Coast Guard, the citizens of California, the Pacific Northwest, and our nation.”
McCarthy, who has served as the Air Station Sacramento commanding officer since 2019, retired after 25 years of service in the Coast Guard. Under McCarthy’s command, Air Station Sacramento members responded to 80 search and rescue cases, saving or assisting 3,588 lives.
“I am honored to relieve my friend and classmate, Capt. John McCarthy, and assume command of Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento,” said Bastek. “I wish John the best of luck in his retirement and look forward to being part of the Sacramento community. I have worked on the C-27 program in different capacities over the years, dating back to the beginning of the acquisition project. It is a great aircraft and I am excited to finally get a chance to fly it.”
The change of command ceremony is a time-honored event preserved by the rich heritage of naval tradition. It is a custom that is formal, follows military protocol and is designed to strengthen the respect for the continuity of command that is vital to military organization. The culmination of the ceremony is reached when both officers read their orders, face one another, salute and transfer responsibility for the command.
Air Station Sacramento’s area of responsibility spans from the Canada-Washington border to the California-Mexico border.