Hartford Courant: Ex-Academy Superintendent To Retire After Probe Finds Inappropriate Behavior
NEW LONDON — An administrative investigation of a superintendent who left the U.S. Coast Guard Academy after a brief and turbulent tenure has caught up with him at his new Coast Guard headquarters assignment. The investigation concluded that Rear Adm. James C. Van Sice made inappropriate comments and “acted intemperately” with his staff while at the academy.
Though the investigation’s conclusions – released Monday afternoon by the Coast Guard – say Van Sice didn’t violate military law, his behavior was enough to warrant unspecified “corrective measures.” Van Sice has requested retirement, and his request has been granted.
Saying privacy laws protect Van Sice from the exposure of details in the case, the leadership of the Coast Guard wouldn’t describe exactly what the senior officer did or said, except to say his inappropriate comments were not obscene or indecent.
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