Body of San Francisco windsurfer recovered

SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Coast Guard recovered the body of a San Francisco windsurfer two and a half miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge at 6:18 p.m., today.

At 4:30 p.m., the Coast Guard received a call of an unmanned surfboard in the water east of the Golden Gate Bridge. A 47-foot motor lifeboat from Station Golden Gate along with a HH65 Dolphin helicopter from Air Station San Francisco was launched to the scene. The San Francisco Police and Fire Department also responded along with Marin County Sheriffs Department. Crissy Field Park Rangers conducted a shoreline search. The Golden Gate Bridge Sargeants also assisted in the search.

At 6:18 p.m., the windsurfer was located by the Dolphin helicopter crew two and a half miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge wearing a wetsuit. Crewmembers of the 47-foot motor lifeboat recovered the body and conducted cardiopulmonary resuscitation enroute to Station Golden Gate where Marin County EMS pronounced the windsurfer dead.

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