Air Station Miami to host Miami-Dade students at open house

MIAMI — Coast Guard Air Station Miami is scheduled to host an open house for 1,700 Miami-Dade County school students and chaperones Friday from 9 a.m to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

At this years event, Coast Guard Air Station Miami personnel will unveil Miami’s first HC-144A Ocean Sentry Maritime Patrol Aircraft. The first of three HC-144A aircraft arrived at Air Station Miami on March 10, 2010. The arrival of the aircraft is a significant milestone in the stand-up of HC-144A operations throughout the Coast Guard. The HC-144A replaces the HU-25 Falcon jet in performing medium-range maritime patrol missions.

On display will be:

  • MH-65C Dolphin helicopters
  • An HH-60 Jayhawk helicopter
  • An HC-144A Ocean Sentry
  • HU-25 Falcon jets
  • 25-foot Defender Class response boat from Coast Guard Station Miami Beach, Fla.
  • Miami-Dade Fire Rescue trucks and aircraft
  • Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine aircraft

The students, ranging from elementary age to college students, will have the opportunity to meet Coast Guard rescue swimmers, tactical law-enforcement officers, drug-sniffing dogs, flight mechanics and more.

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